Hp Ilo License Key Free

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Feb 07, 2016  Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Where i can get 30 days evaluation key for iLO which HP provides absolutely free to test the features. The key in the. License key installation instructions. Thank you for purchasing a Hewlett Packard Enterprise iLO license. HPE iLO functions out-of-the-box without additional software installation, regardless of the state of operation of your server, giving you complete access to your server from any location via a web browser, or the HPE iLO Mobile application. Licenses are not transferable. You cannot license a nonblade server by using a BladeSystem license. If you lose a license key, follow the lost license key instructions. For more information, see the HP iLO 4 User Guide. When you use the iLO Federation group licensing feature. How to get the license key for iLO activation? I'm having trouble to look for HP website on where I could activate and get the iLO license to be used for a newly setup server. 1 person had this problem. License key installation instructions. Thank you for purchasing a Hewlett Packard Enterprise iLO license. HPE iLO functions out-of-the-box without additional software installation, regardless of the state of operation of your server, giving you complete access to your server from any location via a web browser, or the HPE iLO Mobile application.

  1. Hp Ilo License Activation
  2. Ilo 2 License Key
  3. Hp Ilo License Key Free Code
  4. Hp Ilo License Key Free Download
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Hp Ilo License Activation

Don't do anything. You've entered an ILO license key, so your server and ILO will continue operating with the ILO Advanced functionality. The warranty is just paper support. To answer your question, though, the main difference between the ILO Advanced and unlicensed ILO is that the Advanced license can use remote console and remote media functions.

Ilo 2 License Key

License key installation instructions

Thank you for purchasing a Hewlett PackardEnterprise iLO license. HPE iLO functions out-of-the-box without additionalsoftware installation, regardless of the state of operation of yourserver, giving you complete access to your server from any locationvia a web browser, or the HPE iLO Mobile application.

Access free HPE iLO web-based training

Your purchase of an HPE iLO license entitlesyou to free web-based training about advanced iLO features and howto use them.

  • To access your free training, Click here to access the Redeem FREE iLO Advance Web Based Training (WBT).

  • To access the full HPE iLO training curriculum, Click here to view the HPE iLO training curriculum.

License installation methods

You can use the following methods to install a license:

  • Click here to view the Entering the 25-digit Alphanumeric License Key (aka5x5 key) in iLO Using a Browser.

  • Click here to view the Using XML Scripting.

  • Click here to view the Using the iLO CLI.

  • Click here to view the Using the RESTful API.

  • Click here to view the Using iLO Federation Group Licensing.


  • The Configure iLO Settings privilege

  • A license activation key

  • The license is supported on the server on which youwant to install it. For more information, see the HPE iLOLicensing Guide.

    Click here to access the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Information Library.

Entering the 25-digit alphanumeric license key (aka5x5 key) in iLO using a browser

  1. Locate your license activationkey.

  2. Log in to iLO and navigateto the Administration->Licensing page.

  3. On the Licensing page,enter the license key in the Activation Key box.

    To move between segments, press the Tab keyor click inside a segment of the Activation Key box. The cursor advances automatically when you enter data into the segmentsof the Activation Key box.

  4. Click Install.

    The EULA confirmation page opens.

  5. Review the EULA confirmationdetails, and click OK.

Using XML scripting

You can use XML commands and an advanced scripting interfaceto install your licenses. This method is useful when you want to rollout license keys as part of a large-scale server deployment. Scriptsare XML files written for a scripting language called RIBCL. The followingmethods are available:

  • Recommended method:HPQLOCFG (HP Lights-Out Configuration Utility) - A utility that replacesthe previous HP Lights-Out Configuration Utility (CPQLOCFG). Thisutility is a Windows command-line utility that sends XML configurationand control scripts over the network to iLO.

    The HPQLOCFG (HP Lights-Out Configuration Utility) has the samecommand formatting as the CPQLOCFG utility.
  • HPONCFG (HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility) - Alocal online scripted setup utility that runs on the host and passesRIBCL scripts to the local iLO. This utility requires the HPE ProLiantiLO 3 or 4 Channel Interface Driver.

  • LOCFG (Lights-Out Configuration Utility) - A customiLO scripting environment that includes a Perl sample you can useto send RIBCL scripts to iLO over the network.

    Because the HPONCFG and LOCFG utilities run on the server itself,you do not need to enter the server IP address, FQDN, or login credentialswhen using either of those utilities. All other commands for installinga single-server license are the same for all utilities.

For more information, see:

  • The HPE iLO 4 Scripting and Command-LineGuide.

    Click here to access the HPE iLO 4 Scripting and Command Line Guide.

  • Click here to view the video for iLO license key through Scripting [CCEN] .

Sample license XML script

<LOGIN PASSWORD='password' USER_LOGIN='adminname'>
<RIB_INFO MODE='write'>
<ACTIVATE KEY='11223-34455-66778-89900-AABBC'/>

Sample license JSON script

'body': {
'path': '/rest/v1/managers/1/LicenseService'

Recommended procedure: Installing a single licenseusing HPQLOCFG (HP Lights-Out configuration utility)

  1. Locate your license activation key.

  2. Go to (Click here to access the HPE Integrated Lights Out (iLO4)) anddownload the latest utility.

  3. Locate the folder in which your utility is installed.

  4. Move the (Click here to access the License.xml) file into the samefolder as the utility.

  5. Open a command prompt, navigate to the folder containingthe utility and XML file, and open the XML file.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To execute the (Click here to access the generic script) without modifying it:

      UtilityName.exe -s IPAddress/fqdn -f xmlFileName.xml-l logfile.txt -u username -p password -tKEY='KEY'


      hpqlocfg.exe -s mydl360server.mydomain.com -f License.xml-l mylogfile.txt -u adminaccount -p myadminpass123 -t KEY='abcde-fghij-klmno-pqrst-uvwxy'

    • To modify the License.xml file:

      1. Enter the login information for the system on which youare installing the license. For example:

        <LOGINPASSWORD='myAdminPass123' USER_LOGIN='adminAccount'>

      2. Enter the license key you purchased.


      3. Save the changes to your file, and then execute as follows.To specify verbose (detailed) output, you can add the -v tag.

        UtilityName.exe -s IPAddress/fqdn -f xmlFileName.xml-l logfile.txt -v


        hpqlocfg.exe -s mydl360server.mydomain.com -f License.xml-l mylogfile.txt -v

        Sample output

        When the non-verbose form of the command is successful, no outputis displayed.

        Verbose output looks similar to the following.

        <?xml version='1.0'?>
        <RIBCL VERSION='2.23'>
        MESSAGE='No error'
        <?xml version='1.0'?>
        <RIBCL VERSION='2.23'>
        MESSAGE='No error'

Installinga single license using (HP Lights-Out online configuration utility)or LOCFG (Lights-Out configuration utility)

  1. Trial version antivirus. Locate your license activation key.

  2. Go to (Click here to access the HPE Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4) ) anddownload the latest utility.

  3. Locate the folder in which your utility is installed.

  4. Move the (Click here to access the License.xml) file into the samefolder as the utility.

  5. Open a command prompt, navigate to the folder containingthe utility and XML file, and open the XML file.

  6. At the command prompt, do one of the following:

    • To execute the (Click here to access the generic script) without modifying it:

      UtilityName.exe -f xmlFileName.xml-l logfile.txt


      hponcfg.exe -f License.xml -l mylogfile.txt

    • To modify the License.xml file:

      1. Enter the license key you purchased.


      2. Save the changes to your file, and then execute as follows.To specify verbose (detailed) output, you can add the -v tag.

        UtilityName.exe -f xmlFileName.xml-l logfile.txt


        hponcfg.exe -f License.xml -l mylogfile.txt

Using the iLO CLI

  1. Open a connection in an SSH client application, such asPuTTY.

  2. Leave the SSH port as 22, and the Connectiontype as SSH.

  3. At the login prompt, enter your user name and password.

    The hpiLO-> prompt appears.

  4. To navigate to the license page, enter cd map1/oemhp_license1,and then enter show.

    The license informationis displayed, including the license type (oemhp_name1),and the license key that is partially redacted for security reasons.

  5. To add a license, replace KEY withyour 5X5 license key in the following command:

    oemhp_licenseinstall KEY

    Valid formats for entering a license key are:

    • oemhp_licenseinstall “AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE”

    • oemhp_licenseinstall AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE

    • oemhp_licenseinstall AAAAABBBBBCCCCCDDDDDEEEEE

    • oemhp_licenseinstall “AAAAABBBBBCCCCCDDDDDEEEEE”

    The following output is displayed:

    • status=0

    • status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED

    • New license key installed

Using the RESTful API

  1. Garmin 205w manual. Locate your license activation key.

  2. Download the RESTful Interface Tool (Windows MSI package,or Linux RPM package).

    Click here to access the RESTful Interface Tool.

  3. Locate the folder in which you specified the utility toinstall.

  4. Move the (Click here to view the License.json) file into the samefolder as the utility.

  5. Open a command prompt, navigate to the folder containingthe utility and JSON file, and open the JSON file.

  6. Replace the default (invalid) license key with your validkey.

  7. Save the changes to your file, and execute the RESTfulcommand as follows:

    hprest.exe rawpost license.json--url mydl360server.mydomain.com –u adminaccount -p myadminpass123

  8. If the command is successful, a message stating that Theresource has been created successfully appears.

    For more information, see Managing Hewlett PackardEnterprise Servers Using the RESTful API.

    Click here to access the Managing Hewlett Packard Enterprise Servers Using the RESTful API.

Using iLO federation group licensing

You can use iLO Federation, a licensed feature, to manage youriLO license keys. The iLO Federation Group Licensing pagedisplays the license status for iLO Federation group members, andyou can use the Group Licensing page to activateiLO licensed features within a configured group.

Consider the following when you use iLO Federation group licensingfeature to install a license in these scenarios:

  • On the servers in an iLO Federation group, each memberof the group must have the Configure iLO Settings privilege.

  • On multiple servers, you must use a key that is authorizedfor the number of selected servers.

  • On a server that already has a key installed, thenew key replaces the current key. If you do not want to replace existinglicenses, click Unlicensed in the License InformationStatus table to install licenses only on servers that are unlicensed.

For more information, see the HPE iLO FederationUser Guide

Click here to access the HPE iLO Federation User Guide.

Verifying license installation

You can view information about your installedlicenses.

More information

Legal Disclaimer: Products sold prior to the November 1, 2015 separation of Hewlett-Packard Company into Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and HP Inc. may have older product names and model numbers that differ from current models.

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