Jarvis Voice For Windows 10

Jarvis Voice For Windows 10 Rating: 3,9/5 6222 votes

We offer discounts for volume purchase.Please contact us for the price quote or information on reseller program. System Requirements. Operating System: Works on Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP. Using the third party TTS voices in Windows 10 is a breeze if you know what type of voice packs you have installed. If you are not happy with the default Microsoft Zira and Microsoft David TTS voices available in Windows 10, then you can get third party TTS voices for free or buy them online.

NOTE: This article is out-of-date and I am planning on correcting it and developing a jarvis like software, if you are interested in this and would like it to be created then please comment below or subscribe to the email list to be notified when its done.

Submit any ideas or requests for features over at the feedback page or join the discord server here

Also to help speed up development and help contribute to adding new features a small donation would be appreciated to help make this a great community software project. If your interested in helping out feel free to use the button below:

If your an Iron-Man fan or a total geek like myself then I am sure you have thought about running j.A.R.V.I.S on your PC, forget Siri, Cortana or even Google Now when you can have your own customised voice assistant for your PC.

While many voice assistants require the internet and only perform functions such as finding the weather or searching for stuff online. While these features may be handy they don’t offer advanced functionality such as running scripts or launching tasks etc.

In this tutorial we will explore a simple way to setup a J.A.R.V.I.S like assistant that you can use on your PC, of course this won’t be as awesome as the real J.A.R.V.I.S on Iron Man but will offer some cool functionality.


– A Windows PC (unfortunately the developers have not made a Mac or Linux version so just Windows for now)
– A microphone (this can be a external microphone or headset and possibly internal microphone on a laptop)
– J.A.R.V.I.S Software by LINKS (download free here)

-Latest version of .NET framework (can be installed free from here)

– SQL server Local DB Package 32 bit (download here)

– SQL server Local DB Package 64 bit (download here)


-Rainmeter (free theme program can be found here)

-J.A.R.V.I.S theme available here

To get started begin by downloading the software from LINKS after installing the previous packages from Microsoft, you can choose from Mark II or Mark III, at the time of writing Mark III is in closed beta and will be available soon so we will use Mark II.

Next up launch the program and follow all prompts to install the software onto your PC, it may prompt you to download other components mentioned above if yes then follow prompts to install those onto your computer.

At this point you may also be prompted to select your sound source, this may include an external desktop microphone or perhaps a headset whichever one suits your PC choose it but make sure it is plugged in first.

Upon installation head back to the desktop and you should now see a new icon called “LINKS” open it and you should see a small orb open on your screen, from here click the centre of the orb and move the cursor to each corresponding tab to choose your options. (if unsure how to navigate the interface refer to my video which shows the complete software)

Now you can have some fun and go all out with scripts and custom voice commands, to maximize this it is recommended to have some knowledge in VB or Batch to create Windows scripts.

If you are new to scripting don’t worry because it isn’t really hard, you can even search for many scripts and easily make them yourself. If you don’t want to mess with scripts you can set commands to open your favorite websites like Facebook or YouTube and even launch your favorite programs such as Chrome, Spotify or any other favorites. Winning eleven 9 download.

Once you are finished you may want to the set the program to start on boot to save you opening the program every time, to do this go to Start – All programs – Startup and right-click the folder and choose “open all users”.

Now copy and paste the desktop shortcut into the folder and it will start on the next boot.

For reference here is some of the scripts I used:



@echo off



c:windowssystem32shutdown -r -t 00




Remember to re-enable these settings after the update is complete.If the computer is behind a Firewall, check your Firewall security settings before attempting the download or contact the system administrator for directions. Right-click the security icon for firewall or antivirus software and select disabled. Hp lightscribe template labeler download. Tips for better search results.

Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation


shutdown abort.bat

@echo off


1 hour shutdown schedule

c:windowssystem32shutdown -s -t 3600


open cdrom tray.vbs

Jarvis Voice For Windows 10 1

Dim WMP: Set WMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.ocx”)
Dim colCDROMS: Set colCDROMS = WMP.CDROMCollection

If colCDROMS.Count > -1 Then
For i = 0 to colCDROMS.Count – 1
End If


To use these scripts open up notepad and paste the code in, then press File – Save As – Change bottom menu to “all files” then put in filename and extension .bat or .vbs

Feel free to share your own scripts or ask for help if needed in the comments section below.

Jarvis Voice For Windows 10 2

Install the extra’s (optional):

If you would like to complete the transformation and really make your PC look like J.A.R.V.I.S from Iron Man then there are some extra things your going to need to do.

The first thing to do would be to install Rainmeter and the J.A.R.V.I.S theme, the theme can be installed by double-clicking the file after Rainmeter is installed onto the computer.

Now just follow the prompts and you should immediately see a selection of widgets on your desktop click and drag the widget to the desired location, any widgets that you don’t want can easily be removed by right clicking and choosing “unload”.

You can also go in and apply an HD wallpaper to fit the theme of your new desktop.

However there is still one problem, the voice by default Windows will revert to the default sounds for it’s AI which in my opinion sounds horrible, unfortunately the only working method to get the Jarvis voice is through a paid program called Ivona and a separate module called “Brian UK voice”.

Despite the program being paid you may be able to acquire a free trial which should work indefinitely.

That’s it now you can ditch Siri, Cortana and other voice assistants and stand out from the crowd with your own personalized J.A.R.V.I.S system!

Jarvis Mark 3 Free Download

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Jarvis Ai For Windows 10

Hi and welcome to AGR Technology, my name is Alessio and I maintain this blog aiming to cover all things tech including Windows, macOS, Android and Linux. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy this website.