Nvidia Driver Install Black Screen

Nvidia Driver Install Black Screen Rating: 4,3/5 2134 votes
  1. Nvidia Driver Install Black Screen Laptop
  2. Nvidia Driver Install Failed Black Screen
  3. After Install Nvidia Driver Black Screen Debian
  4. After Install Nvidia Driver Black Screen Hackintosh
  5. Nvidia Drivers Screen Goes Black
  6. Nvidia Driver Install Black Screen Tv

Posted by tuk: “black screen after installing driver(gtx670)”. I had too boot in safe mode and remove the nvidia driver and all it's folder and remove it from my registry then reboot and went back too 306.23 and all is good now. But it was a pain in my ass!!! Running 2 GTX 580 cards.

Active2 years, 6 months ago

Mar 10, 2019  Installing the nvidia-driver-418 and restarting the machine creates the same black screen after the login page. As other users here, switch to other tty is not possible. Only remote ssh connection allows operations on the machine. After another uninstall everything works fine with opensource drivers. Oct 15, 2017  Help, black screen after installing latest drivers Hi guy's, this morning i went to update my nvidia drivers to the latest release. I used DDU to wipe away my old drivers which all worked as it should, i the choose custom install on the nvidia driver installation menu and picked the physx and display driver. Ubuntu – black screen on ubuntu laptop after installing nvidia drivers I’m running Ubuntu on my Lenovo Y50 laptop, with a Nvidia GPU. And every time I do an update (or restart it?), I see the Ubuntu logo, hear the chime to log in, and then see a blank black screen, or a small white dot in the upper corner. I’m running Ubuntu on my Lenovo Y50 laptop, with a Nvidia GPU. And every time I do an update (or restart it?), I see the Ubuntu logo, hear the chime to log in, and then see a blank black screen, or a small white dot in the upper corner. Other times, after a reboot, I Continue reading 'ubuntu – black screen on ubuntu laptop after installing nvidia drivers'. I bought gtx 750ti recently and after I installed nvidia graphics driver, my monitor began to blink and now it is black. It looks like some people experienced the same issue but unlike solved cases, I can’t approach to safe mode and uninstall nvidia graphics driver visually. May 10, 2017  A video of my screen going black after a clean driver installation for the EVGA NVIDIA GTX 670 graphics card (on Windows 10). See full video.

I've installed the current nvidia restricted driver and rebooted my machine and now I get a black or blank screen.

How can I fix this?

16 Answers

Remove all Nvidia-related packages

  1. Log in to a terminal: Ctrl+Alt+F1 (terminal is visible with a blank screen)

  2. sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*

Start from scratch

  1. sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau xserver-xorg-video-nv

Reinstall everything

  1. sudo apt-get install nvidia-common
  2. sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
  3. sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core

Reconfigure the X server

  1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Source: Ubuntu Wiki

  1. Remove any drivers that may be causing the issue,
  2. open the terminal and type ( open it from the dash, using the ubuntu icon on the left corner)


    (Depending on which one you have installed) or deactivate them from the restricted driver settings.

  3. reboot.

  4. then on a terminal type this:

  5. reboot. Samsung mobile phone software download.

Uri HerreraUri Herrera
10.5k15 gold badges77 silver badges131 bronze badges

In my case it was a problem with the monitor giving my Nvidia GPU a bad EDID

To debug your error, you can add this line to the screen section in the the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file

Nvidia Driver Install Black Screen Laptop

Now check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.

If you find an error like this:

Then you can resolve it by adding this line to the device section

Maybe Ubuntu IT'S working but using another card output. For me, my nVidia GeForce 7300 has 2 output, a VGA and a DVI. It seems like the default output when you install the drivers is to DVI but I don't have a DVI monitor so I managed to get to Recovery Mode (available in GRUB when you boot) and type this:

Now Reboot.

This command directs the same graphics to both outputs. From there on, you can keep experimenting with this nVidia utility until you get what you want. For more information type:

Hope that helps.

Javier RiosJavier Rios

Press Alt+Ctrl+F1 to get to tty1 (terminal), then run this:

That will remove any nvidia driver packages. If that still doesn't work, try this also:

That will remove a corrupted xorg configuration file if it exists. You will need to reboot after finishing these commands. (Ctrl+Alt+del)

PS. If you have an nvidia optimus card, do not install the x-swat or any other nvidia drivers. The best working drivers for nvidia optimus cards come from the bumblebee project.

This happened to me when running an AMD cpu: Learned it was an IOMMU/AMD -v Bug = Incompatible with Nvidia. Disabling Virtualization bios settings fixed this.

Does that thread on Ubuntu Forums help you?

Nvidia Driver Install Failed Black Screen

In short, it seems that the linux-header packages for some of the kernels (notably the PAE kernels) are not properly installed, and the nvidia driver compilation fails silently when installing the nvidia packages.


Regarding the topic title: What is the current restricted nvidia driver version used in Ubuntu natty?

You can find anything about releases, versions, bugs, requested features on Launchpad. To understand what it is about you can take their tour.

The question about the latest version of the nVidia driver can be found on “nvidia-current” binary package in Ubuntu Natty i386. So as of 2011-04-20 the latest version is 270.41.06-0ubuntu1. But that is not necessarily the recommended one. The latest one for me always seems buggy (like 'tearing' etc).

223k29 gold badges431 silver badges574 bronze badges

Instead of using nvidia-current you should really try to use an older nvidia driver e.g. the 173.xx. This solved the problem for me. Just start jockey-gtk and chose the 173.xx driver. Than reboot your system.

Wolf F.Wolf F.
1,7681 gold badge14 silver badges17 bronze badges

Try in /etc/default/grub:

Replace '1680x1050x32 with your native resolution (to get it run vbeinfo in the grub console when booting).

Then in /etc/grub.d/00_header:

Update grub:

sudo update-grub

Might work..

13.6k17 gold badges78 silver badges139 bronze badges

Try acpi=off. That solved my booting into blank screen issue for Ubuntu 11.10.

Kris Harper
10.1k11 gold badges50 silver badges72 bronze badges

I got a blank screen as well, but this was on a laptop with and nVidia optimus card 4200m. Optimus does not seem to be supported well on Ubuntu. I had to disable optimus from the bios and then reinstall the nividia driver. More here if you want to read http://developerslog.org/?p=69


I was getting a black screen when booting. I have a NVIDIA 6200 graphics card. Renaming xorg.config and rebooting worked for me. The xorg.config file created by nvidia-xconfig: version 304.51 (buildmeister@swio-display-x86-rhel47-06.nvidia.com) was causing the problem.

The biggest trouble I had was getting a Macbook Pro to install the Nvidia drivers!!!

The solution is to change the Master Boot Partition to REMOVE EFI and go with Legacy MBP.

This is discussed on a few webpages but is not so easy to follow.

Using this idea, I booted from a Live CD and then using Gparted removed the EFI boot partition, changed it from EFI to FAT32 and then using Boot-Repair rebuilt it as a legacy boot using the main Partition with 13.04 64 bit installed


Insert Live CD - Boot up as try UbuntuRun Gparted - Change EFI boot partition from EFI to FAT32.

open a new Terminal, then type:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update

  • Press Enter.

  • Then type:

sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &)

After Install Nvidia Driver Black Screen Debian

In boot repair select ADVANCED OPTIONS

Uncheck Use the Standard EFI File under main optionsUncheck Separate /boot/efi partition under GRUB LOCATION

follow prompts on how to use the legacy Boot loader that Boot Repair will give you.

Now install and load the NVidia drivers as many post

I used the method 2 on this page http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-ringtail-nvidia.html

Nvidia Driver Install Black Screen

I was working on this for probably 18 hours and tried EVERY option available. I mean every possibly way to install these friggin drivers, and this was the only solution that works for the Macbook Pro 7.1 Running 13.04 with Nvidia_current (nvidia_304)

I've tried everything here and the solution for me was to switch to lightdm, works perfectly now!

Just install clear ubuntu (no updates, no software) connect with internet, download your driver and install and reboot! Worked for me! Thanks for my neighbour!!! (that was his idea)

protected by CommunityDec 11 '13 at 1:48

After Install Nvidia Driver Black Screen Hackintosh

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I’m running Ubuntu on my Lenovo Y50 laptop, with a Nvidia GPU. And every time I do an update (or restart it?), I see the Ubuntu logo, hear the chime to log in, and then see a blank black screen, or a small white dot in the upper corner.

Other times, after a reboot, I get to the login screen, enter my username and password, then everything flickers violently, and it loops back to asks me to enter in my info again.

Today this post is not about how to permanently fix this (although that would be nice), but rather how to get your GUI back (until you update/restart your machine again).

It seems that on some laptops, the Nvidia drivers and Ubuntu do not always nicely play together. Why? I am not sure.

But anyways, here’s how to get fix your laptop when Ubuntu has a black screen on login (assuming your problem is related to the Nvidia drivers).

1. Drop into the terminal from the login or blank screen

To drop into a terminal from the login (or blank screen), press these three keys: Ctrl-Alt-F1

You should see a prompt now to enter your username and password. Enter in your info to log in.

Nvidia Drivers Screen Goes Black

Basically, we are going to remove the Nvidia drivers, and reinstall them. This seems to fix everything and will get your GUI/desktop back. So let’s start.

2. Remove nvidia

Type in this command to remove the nvidia drivers from your system.
sudo apt-get purge nvidia*

3. Restart the machine

sudo reboot

After your reboot, your GUI should be back and you can log in now! Yay!

But wait, why do I now get this annoying popup message?

You need to reinstall the Nvidia drivers. Here’s how to do this.

[side note]
You might be tempted to skip these steps and keep the default drivers. However, without doing the following, on Ubuntu the fan constantly ran as my laptop was quite hot. From this tread, I believe the issue is that both the GPU and the integrated graphics are consuming power, causing the machine to overheat. Supporting this, I notice as soon as I run the command sudo nvidia-smi, the fan slows down and the machine starts to cool.
[/end side note]

3. Install the Nvidia drivers

From the command line, type in (replace 370 with whatever version you want):
sudo apt-get install nvidia-370

Okay, we are getting close to being done!

4. Check the Nvidia drivers

Open a new terminal and type,

and you’ll probably get this error message:


5. Initiate GPU activity as root user

Okay, it turns out we need to run this command as sudo for the first time. So from the command prompt, type:
sudo nvidia-smi

And you should see:

with a bunch more info.

And you should be good to go again! Yay! (until next time…)

[update – Nov 28 2016]

I was installing the nvidia drivers like I usually do, and my computer crashed in the middle of the installation. I rebooted, and installed them again. However, nvidia-smi no longer came up after the installation. And when I ran it directly,

I got an error that it could not find libnvidia-ml.so

I tried a few other things like switching to use nvidia prime:
sudo prime-select nvidia

and got this error:

Following the instructions from here, I did the following:
sudo update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf

Nvidia Driver Install Black Screen Tv

and selected the option for the driver I just installed:

Then I was able to run the sudo nvidia-smi

Yay! (note I now switched it to auto, and it seems to still work – not sure if that matters)
[/end update]
